NOTE: The last installation of FL Studio normally becomes the default install to open project files. If you need to manually create a shortcut/s, Right-click the ' FL64.exe' and choose ' Create shortcut' and then drag that shortcut to your desktop. There will be a new icon on the desktop for this installation.Run the FL Studio installer, and when it offers the install location, set it to your folder: C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio Test.Call it ' FL Studio Test' or whatever you like. Create a new folder at the same level (not in the ' FL Studio N' but alongside it.Normally C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio N, where N is the FL Studio version. Use your file browser to go back up a level so that you can see the installation folder.Right-click the existing FL Studio installation icon and choose 'Open file location'.what are the different folder paths where you have installed them in? have you checked the properties of the exe? To help you we'll need a bit more info on how and where you installed the program. Click to 's gonna sound shitty but you're prolly doing something wrong, which you should be able to figure out since other users have done it without any problems and there's even a 'how to' in FL studio's manual.