The competitor starts the solve by starting the timer and taking off the cube cover.
Put your initials in the Judge column and have the competitor initial in the Comp column. If the solve was a DNF, write DNF instead of a time. All solves with penalties have to include an equals sign and final result. If there was a +2 penalty at the end of the solve, write “+ 2” after writing the time on the timer.ĭ. If there was a +2 penalty at the beginning of the solve, write “2 +” before writing the time on the timer.Ĭ. If there was no penalty, just write the time shown on the timer.ī. Write down the time of the solve on the scorecard.Ī. If the competitor has not made any moves, you can give them a +2 penalty instead. If the competitor touches the puzzle before you have a chance to look at it, the solve is given a DNF.Ī. If there is a misalignment and you are not sure about the correct penalty, ask for help. Inspect the puzzle without touching or moving it to see if it is solved. If the competitor fails to make the listed cutoff after completing the first 2 attempts (first attempt if the competitor is given 3 attempts), the competitor is finished after those attempts. If the competitor fails to make the listed time limit, after they go over that time limit, the judge stops their attempt and the solve is marked a DNF. Again, do not solve your own cubes while judging! Pay attention to the solve so that if any incident occurs, you can discuss with the delegate.Ī.
Refrain from doing any activity that may distract yourself or the competitor, like cubing or looking at your phone If the competitor starts the timer after 17 seconds, they receive a DNF.If the competitor starts the timer between 15.01 and 17.00, they receive a +2 penalty.If the stopwatch reaches 12 seconds and the competitor has not started the timer yet, say “12 seconds.”.If the stopwatch reaches 8 seconds and the competitor has not started the timer yet, say “8 seconds.”.Simultaneously start the stopwatch and lift the cover from the puzzle.Reset the stopwatch, so that it shows all zeroes.Reset the timer, so that it shows all zeroes.Ask him if you have any questions throughout the day! Your delegate for this competition is Jae Park.It's an excellent way to make the time fly by!
This would require either being present at the judging tutorial or to have someone teach you how to judge later in the day.
It would be wonderful if we could get some volunteer help from the parents. Please note that this schedule is subject to change, as we may hold events slightly earlier or later than shown depending on whether the competition is running ahead of schedule or behind schedule. If you are not present when a final starts, you will be withdrawn from that final. We will use regulation 9p3) for all final rounds. Please try to arrive at least 30 minutes early for the events you are competing in to ensure that you are on time for that event. Please try to help out as much as possible, especially during these times! You may see that you may have a job in an event that you are not competing in. If all the judging stations are full, then don't worry, come help out a little later. Please either judge or find someone to take your judging place when you are scheduled to judge. 2J would mean you are judging in Group 2). The Group that you are working will have the letter next to it (i.e. If this is the case, then the group you are competing in will have no letter next to it. On the Group Sheet, you may notice that you have a group as well as a Judging(J), Running(R), and Scrambling(S) assignment. We are allowed to deny you the ability to compete if you do not come up by the last call. Please come bring your puzzle up and wait in the competitor waiting area whenever your group is called. We will call the groups in order, along with a last call. Each round will be divided into groups to help them run more efficiently. After a round is completed results will be entered into WCA live. We will take the top competitors on to the subsequent rounds. TWINITY 2020 PDF
If you prefer reading, there is a WCA tutorial in a pdf format here. This video will explain most of what any cuber competing for the first time will need to know.
We have a video made specifically for new cubers, just to show them the basics of competing. TWINITY 2020 FREE
If you have any questions about the regulations, feel free to ask us. Please be familiar with all of WCA's regulations, most importantly Article A.(something like a passport or school ID). This will be used to verify your name, birthday, and nationality. Please bring some form of identification.Please try to arrive early to watch the new competitor introduction at 8:00AM.